Adding Streaming Media in WebCampus

There are two options for adding streaming media in WebCampus: external links and embedded videos. Each vendor has slightly different directions for creating persistent, authenticated links and embed codes.

External Links

Similar to linking to journals or ebooks, you can use a persistent, authenticated permalink to open the content in a new tab.

Embedded Videos

You can also embed streaming media directly in your course by using an embed code. Embed codes should be added to WebCampus using the html editor.

For instructions on adding the resources to your courses, see adding links in WebCampus.

Vendor-Specific Instructions

UNLV Libraries Video Tutorials (Vimeo)
  1. Once you find the library video tutorials to which you would like to link, click on the "Share" paper plane icon in the top right of the video.
Screenshot showing to click on share icon to get to the persistent link for Vimeo videos

Option 1: External Link

  1. a. Copy the URL underneath the share icons. It is ready to add to your course.

Option 2: Embedded Video

  1. b. To generate an embed code, click on the “Get embed code” </> icon.
Screenshot showing example of persistent link URL on Vimeo
  1. Copy the embed code by clicking the copy button. It is ready to add to your course.
Screenshot showing example of embed code to copy for Vimeo
Films on Demand

Films on Demand makes it easy to embed videos directly in WebCampus through the Rich Content Editor in your course. You can also generate links and embed codes from within the Films on Demand database. Instructions for both are provided below.

WebCampus Rich Content Editor

This is the easiest and most reliable method to embed Films on Demand content in your course. You can add a video anywhere in WebCampus that uses the Rich Content Editor.

Video Overview

  1. In your course, go to the page where you would like to add the video. 
  2. Click the “Edit” edit button.
Screenshot showing to click on edit button to get to persistent link for Films on Demand
  1. Click on the “More External Tools” v icon.
Screenshot for Films on Demand showing to click on more external tools on the toolbar
  1. Scroll down until you find Films on Demand and click it.
Screenshot for Films on Demand showing options under more external tools button
  1. In the pop-up window, search for the title you would like to add to your course or enter keywords to browse the collection.
  2. Click on the “Embed” dropdown menu.
  3. Select the size of the video you would like to embed. This is add it to the page.
Screenshot for Films on Demand showing steps 5, 6, and 7
  1. Click save.
Screenshot for Films on Demand showing start button

Films on Demand Database

This method is best for generating an external link to the video. Although an embed code is also available, it does not always generate a fully-functional embed code. We recommend using the WebCampus Rich Content Editor method above instead.

  1. Once you find the video to which you would like to link, click on the "Share To" sharing icon to the bottom left of the video.
Screenshot for Films on Demand showing share link
  1. Click on the “Embed/Link” Tab.
  2. Copy the “Record URL”.
    This URL includes the ezproxy prefix for off-campus access and is ready to add to your course.
Screenshot showing example of persistent link URL in Films on Demand

Once you find the video on Kanopy to which you would like to link, click on the "Share" button underneath the video.

  1. Once you find the video to which you would like to link, click on the "Share" button underneath the video.

Option 1: External Link

  1. a. Copy the URL underneath “Share link”. It is ready to add to your course.
Screenshot of Kanopy showing where to find share button

Option 2: Embedded Video

  1. b. To generate an embed code, click on the “Embed” tab next to “Share”.
  2. Optional: You may edit the player size by selecting “Options” and then selecting a size from the dropdown menu.
  3. Copy the embed code in the text box. It is ready to add to your course.
Screenshot of Kanopy showing example of embed code and how to adjust size of embedded video
Swank Digital Campus
  1. Once you find the video on Swank Digital Campus to which you would like to link, click on the "Share" dropdown menu underneath the video.

Option 1: External Link

  1. a. Select “Copy Direct Link”. This will automatically copy the URL to your clipboard. 
  2. Add the ezproxy prefix ( to authenticate the URL.
    It is ready to add to your course.

Option 2: Embedded External Link

  1. b. Select “Copy LMS Link”. This will automatically copy the embed code to your clipboard. It is ready to add to your course.

Note that this will only embed an external link to the content. Swank does not support embedded video in WebCampus at this time.

Screenshot of Swank Digital Campus showing where to find the share button
Alexander Street Press Video
  1. Once you find the Alexander Street Press video to which you would like to link, click on the "Share" tab above the video.

Option 1: External Link

  1. a. Click the “Copy Permalink” button.
  2. Click the “Copy” button to copy the permalink. It is ready to add to your course.
Screenshot of Alexander Street Press showing where to find the Copy Permalink button Screenshot showing example of persistent link URL in Alexander Street Press

Option 2: Embedded Video

  1. b. To copy the embed code, click on the “Copy Embed Code” button.
  2. You will need to add some information to the embed code in order for it to properly display in WebCampus. This includes adding an s for secure and www. to the ezproxy URL.


<iframe src="" width="640" height="390" frameborder="0" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> It is ready to add to your course.

To view all streaming media databases, go to our A-Z list of databases page and limit the database type from “All Database Types” to “Videos, DVDs, and other media”.

For additional support, please contact Kevin Sebastian at