Library Hardware
If you are having problems with the general use computers, printers, interactive media screens in the study rooms, or technology on reserve please report the issue to staff at the desk or email
Library Resources
If you need assistance with your library barcode, Interlibrary Loan account, or in accessing or obtaining online resources such as journals, books, and databases please email
Personal Technology & Accounts
If you are having issues with your wifi, iPad, computer, or LCMS+ please contact the School of Medicine IT Support:
School of Medicine Help Desk
Phone Hours: 8AM - 5PM, Monday-Friday
Academic Support: 702-774-8633 (x48633)
If you are having issues with your ACE account you can try to reset it by visiting the self-service page, or you can contact the UNLV Office of Information Technology Help Desk:
UNLV OIT Help Desk
IT Support Portal