Hit the Jackpot:
Successful Experimentation and Innovation in Instruction

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Thursday June 5, 2008

7:30 am – 8:30 am

8:30 am – 10:30 am
Keynote address
Game launch

10:45 am – 12:00 pm
Concurrent programs – Session A

Lori Mardis - Information Librarian, Northwest Missouri State University
Connie Ury,- Library Outreach Coordinator, Northwest Missouri State University
As the proliferation of information access points, library services, and mediums expand, librarians’ workload increases when faculty lengthen the “wish-list” of topics to be covered in “one-shot” instruction sessions. Experience ways librarians use learning objects to customize instruction for students with diverse learning styles and varying degrees of research experience.

Handout (PDF).

Building and Designing Bridges – Enabling Bilingual Academic Learning Experiences
Eileen K. Bosch - Romance, German, Russian Languages & Literatures Librarian, California State University Long Beach
Valeria Molteni - Outreach and Multicultural Librarian/ Assistant Professor at the Library, California State University Dominguez Hills
Librarians at California State University will discuss the challenges and issues in implementing bilingual services in reference and instruction to support students in Foreign and Romance Languages Departments. Presenters will also address a strong partnership developed between both librarians and how they collaborated with faculty to support/enhance the curriculum demands.

Programs that transform and renew: Developing librarian self-identity as teacher
Merinda Hensley - Instructional Services Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Lisa Hinchliffe,- Head, Undergraduate Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Parker Palmer encourages all teachers to develop “the heart of a teacher.” Librarians may not see themselves as teachers and feel alienated from students. Librarian teacher-identity is crucial to the success of instruction programs and student learning outcomes. This session presents a case study of practices to develop teacher identity for librarians.

Stacking the Cards in Your Favor: Working with Writing and Composition Programs to Incorporate Information Literacy Across the Curriculum
Sarah Fabian - First Year Experience Librarian, Eastern Michigan University
Suzanne Gray,- Information Literacy Librarian, Eastern Michigan University
Libraries play a pivotal role in insuring that our institutions’ graduates achieve essential outcomes in the realm of lifelong learning, writing, and critical thinking. We will propose strategies for leveraging a more information literacy-focused curriculum through collaboration with writing centers, first-year writing, and writing across the curriculum programs.

The Cephalonian Experience: how to bring some Greek sunshine to your library orientation
Nigel Morgan - Subject Librarian, Cardiff University, Wales
Designed primarily for library orientation, this simple method for engaging students makes a big impact and has been embraced by academic libraries across the United Kingdom. This lively and entertaining presentation will introduce you to the wonderful explosion of music, color and audience participation that is "the Cephalonian Method."

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

1:30 pm – 2:45 pm
Concurrent programs – Session B

Michele Ostrow - Head, Library Instruction Services, University of Texas at Austin
AJ Johnson - Information Literacy Librarian, University of Texas at Austin
Meghan Sitar - Instruction & Outreach Librarian, University of Texas at Austin
When our proposal for integrating information literacy into the new undergraduate core curriculum was accepted, assessing student learning became essential. We will discuss three years of assessment experimentation by sharing what we’ve learned from our failures. Discussion and exercises will guide attendees through the creation of effective assessment questions.

Jennifer Kelley - Resident Librarian, College of DuPage
Is the research process an “unbeatable” game, where the odds are against the student? Find out how one library stacks the deck in favor of the student through the Library Secrets! project. See how we used 2.0 technologies to create interest in research and to share strategies for winning.

Ramona Islam - Senior Reference Librarian and Instruction Coordinator, Fairfield University
Leslie Porter - Reference Librarian, Robert W. Woodruff Library at Atlanta University Center

At Fairfield University, in place of a library services lecture that opened each required library session for freshman English, we created an engaging, story-based movie where students, rather than the library or librarians, are the stars. Into our comedic narrative about four students and their romantic intrigues (think Laguna Beach), we wove library resources and services.

Decision tree (.doc)

Recommended reading (.doc)

Erika Rux - Chair of Library Instruction, Concordia College, Moorhead MN
Amy Soma - Access and Delivery Librarian, Concordia College, Moorhead MN
Molly Flaspohler - Chair of Reference Services, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN
This session will demonstrate how taking a risk paid off for one small college and resulted in an integrated information literacy program in Concordia's First Year Experience. This session will focus on engaging students with multi-media resources and active learning pedagogies that encourage participation and enrich their library experience.

Fantasy Sports: The Road to Information Literacy Champions
Paul Waelchli - Assistant Director for Library Instruction and Public Services, University of Dubuque
Sara Holladay - Electronic Resources Management Librarian, University of Colorado at Boulder Libraries
19.4 million fantasy sports players rely on information literacy to succeed, but do not realize it. This session provides a way of connecting fantasy strategies to academic skills to create successful, information literate students. In addition, one library's implementation and assessment of a fantasy football information literacy session are discussed.

3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
Pecha Kucha sessions

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm
Snack break

4:15 pm – 5:30 pm
Concurrent programs – Session C

Bettering the odds: Embedding a librarian in an at-risk freshman learning community
Kaijsa Calkins - English Reference and Instruction Librarian, University of Wyoming
A librarian and a composition instructor teamed to integrate information literacy instruction into the composition course in a freshman learning community for conditionally admitted students. Hear how we staged research and writing instruction, the lessons we learned, and the benefits of this collaboration for the students and the instructors.

Information Literacy Assessment: Cultural Implications
Lesley Farmer - Professor of Librarianship, California St. University Long Beach
This session provides a meta-analysis of the global and culture-specific patterns and trends in the content being assessed and the approaches used to measure knowledge, skills, and dispositions. The analysis will also examine the extent to which these issues have been addressed internationally, and which are shaped within a cultural context.

It Came From Hollywood: using popular media to illustrate information literacy concepts in the classroom.
Nedra Peterson - Director, Library Services, Woodbury Unversity
Using clips from film, television, commercials, and popular music as part of classroom instruction immediately grabs students' attention. We will view examples and tie them directly to competencies outlined in the ACRL's Information Literacy Standards for Higher Education. (Note: This presentation is not about librarians in film.)

Raising the Stakes: moving beyond discipline-based instruction
Catherine Rod - Special Collections Librarian and Archivist of the College, Grinnell College
Judith Hunter - Director of the Writing Laboratory, Grinnell College
A librarian and the director of the Writing Lab at Grinnell College explain how they developed a team-taught experimental course, “How Disciplines Construct Knowledge”, designed to integrate critical information literacy concepts with an introduction to academic disciplines and writing

The Spandex Librarian
Robin Bergart - Academic Liaison Librarian, University of Guelph
Justine Alsop-Cotton- Subject Librarian, Brock University
“What does aerobics have to do with library instruction?” you may well ask. Fitness instructors are often faced with the challenge of teaching new moves to a group of learners with diverse skills and abilities. They must engage this group over the course of a 50-minute session in exercises that are routine to them but rather mystifying to their students. Sound familiar? In this session, we invite you to participate in an aerobics workout. At the end of the workout, we will ‘cool down’ with a reflective discussion about the workout and how you can apply what you learned to your library instruction. Bring your sneakers, and prepare to stretch yourself

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Desserts and game night

Friday June 6, 2008

7:30 am – 8:30 am

8:30 am – 9:45 am
Concurrent programs – Session D

Apply LLOLI: Language Learning Oriented Library Instruction Method to Foreign Languages' Information Illiteracy
Guo-hua Wang - East Asian Studies librarian, Emory University
Gabriella Natasha Reznowski - Librarian for Foreign Languages & Cultures, Washington State University
Ruby A Bell-Gam - Librarian for African Studies & International Development Studies, UCLA
In an era of globalization, foreign language information illiteracy has become a challenging issue for academic libraries. New methods are needed to face this challenge. The LLOLI Model (Language Learning Oriented Library Instruction) is designed to conduct library instruction on foreign language resources. These methods can be applied to your instructional sessions.

Benevolent Blue: Playing with Information Literacy
Jerremie Clyde- Liaison Librarian, University of Calgary
Chris Thomas - Liaison Librarian,University of Calgary
Using Benevolent Blue, key concepts of digital game based learning and accessible game development will be presented through discussion and play. Benevolent Blue is a Half-Life 2 mod built to test the effectiveness of first-person perspective action games to introduce players to information literacy skills.

Forget About ‘Loving Your Librarian,’ Get Embed: Integrative Approaches to Information Literacy
Dr. Kori Street - History Instructor, Mount Royal College
Meagan Bowler - Collections Librarian, Mount Royal College
When Chronicle readers were asked to “show their librarians some love” and invite them into classrooms, it illustrated the continued disconnect between the two solitudes. Learn about how a librarian and a historian successfully reconnected the classroom and the library with a gamble that paid off with integration strategies and student success

Improving the Odds for Success: Using Standardized Assessment to Improve Library Instruction for Communication Studies Students
Julie Gedeon - Assistant Professor and Coordinator of Assessment, Kent State University
Carolyn Radcliff -Associate Professor and Liaison Librarian, Kent State University
This session will present a case study on the use of the Project SAILS test with Communication Studies students at Kent State. We will discuss interpretation and use of the results, and participants will have the opportunity to work with assessment data and explore ways to apply standardized assessment to their own instructional efforts.

Peer Review 2.0: giving today's students the tools to create tomorrow's scholarship on the emerging web
Anne-Marie Deitering - Undergraduate Services Librarian, Oregon State University
Kate Gronemyer - Instruction Librarian, Oregon State University, Cascades Campus
Whether you celebrate the wisdom of crowds or bemoan the cult of the amateur, it’s clear that the Read/Write Web has serious implications for scholarship. We will discuss how to communicate the value of traditional scholarly forms, as we examine new models of knowledge creation emerging on the web.

10:00 am – 11:15 pm
Concurrent programs – Session E

A Safe Bet: Teaching Information Literacy Skills to High School Students
Danielle Winn - Information Literacy Librarian, University of Windsor
Karen Needham - Library Assistant, University of Windsor
Workshop participants will be introduced to the process of developing an information literacy program for secondary school students. A variety of active learning techniques will be introduced by the presenters as we discuss and demonstrate how the program functions. The presentation will also introduce participants to similar initiatives that will enable them to augment their current information literacy based outreach programs.

Basic strategy: Winning collaborative curriculum design for student success
Hema Ramachandran - Engineering Librarian, California State University-Long Beach
Tiffini Travis - Director of Information Literacy and Outreach, California State University-Long Beach
This session will present results from a grant project at CSU Long Beach that tested a cohort of engineering students using iSkills before and after the integration of information literacy into the curriculum. We will explore the challenges and rewards of working with faculty to develop college level learning outcomes.

Bee Gallegos - Librarian, Arizona State University at the West campus
Learn about the online game developed by the Fletcher Library at ASU’s West campus to teach information skills in first-year English classes. Included in this presentation is a live demonstration of the game, a discussion of the development process and documentation needed, the results and feedback from students.

Sheril Hook - Instruction Coordinator, University of Toronto Mississauga
Stephanie Sterling Brasley - Manager, California State University, Office of the Chancellor
Would you like to take your information literacy program to the next level? Come and explore how Category 5: Articulation within the Curriculum and Category 10: Assessment/Evaluation of IL Programs and Student Learning from the “Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices” can benefit your organization.

Benjamin R. Harris - Reference/Instruction Librarian, Trinity University
Ask a classroom of students to select information sources based on their value system. Then, take a photograph. This is what confusion looks like, and yet this consideration is included in the information literacy competency standards. This presentation explores “value systems” in relation to current information literacy theory and practice.

11:30 pm – 1:00 pm

1:00 pm – 2:15 pm
Concurrent programs – Session F

Nicholas Schiller - Library Instruction Coordinator, Washington State University Vancouver
Our students are coming to the university having spent thousands of hours playing games. This presentation will analyze the learning techniques designed into the game Portal and provide practical instruction techniques that are familiar to a generation of games and also appropriate for the rigors of academic research.

Bridging the gap: Developing online learning environments to provide contextualized information literacy instruction through course instructor librarian collaboration
Steve Borrelli - Instructional Design Librarian, Washington State University
Corey Johnson - Head, Library Instruction, Washington State University
This session will focus on the development and implementation of the Information Literacy Education Project at Washington State University. Instructors and librarians create online coursespace with tutorials and assessment tools in the context of a research assignment. Elements of the session will include application design and implementation, outreach and collaborative assignment design.

Fred Roecker - Library Instruction, The Ohio State University Libraries
Can 6,000 new students become familiar with a major library before they set foot on campus? They can if they play "Head Hunt," the new online library orientation game from The Ohio State University Libraries. Learn about development, software, testing, and more to create a similar game for your libraries. Handout (.doc)

The Library Arcade
Dan Hood - Information Literacy Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University
Discover Carnegie Mellon University Libraries' Library Arcade , starting with a brief discussion of educational gaming and ending with the marketing of their final product. Hear how the project addressed learning outcomes, assessment, information literacy, visual literacy, libraries and the "lame factor", gaming culture/millennials, working with outsourced game designers, user testing, and everything else involved in creating these information literacy computer games.

2:30 pm – 4:00 pm
Closing keynote

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
Closing reception