Clark County School District
The CCSD has adopted the Nevada Academic Content Standards for all curricula. Recommended tools and resources for applying the standards in CCSD classrooms can be found on the CCSD website.
Nevada Academic Content Standards
"With the adoption of the Common Core State Standards in October 2010, they became the Nevada Academic Content Standards for English Language Arts and Mathematics."
- Pre- K Standards
- Computer Science Standards
- English Language Arts Standards
- Fine Arts Standards
- Health Standards
- Mathematics Standards
- Physical Education Standards
- Science Standards
- Social Studies Standards
- World Language Standards
Common Core State Standards
Common Core State Standards
"For grades K-8, grade-by-grade standards exist in English language arts/literacy and mathematics. For grades 9-12, the standards are grouped into grade bands of 9-10 grade standards and 11-12 grade standards."
National School Library Standards
The American Association of School Libraries’ Standards Integrated Framework is a set of three standards for the learner, school librarian, and school library.
National Curriculum Standards
Social Justice Standards
The Social Justice Standards are a road map for anti-bias education at every stage of K–12 instruction. Comprised of anchor standards and age-appropriate learning outcomes, the Standards provide a common language and organizational structure educators can use to guide curriculum development and make schools more just and equitable
English Language Arts
"Published jointly by NCTE and the International Reading Association (IRA) in 1996, The Standards for the English Language Arts is designed to complement other national, state, and local standards and contributes to ongoing discussion about English language arts classroom activities and curricula."
Math Standards and Principles
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: "The Standards for school mathematics describe the mathematical understanding, knowledge, and skills that students should acquire from prekindergarten through grade 12. Each Standard consists of two to four specific goals that apply across all the grades."
Science Standards
Next Generation Science Standards from the National Science Teachers Association. "Every NGSS standard has three dimensions: disciplinary core ideas (content), scientific and engineering practices, and cross-cutting concepts."
Social Studies Standards
National Council for the Social Studies: "This 2010 revision aims to provide a framework for teaching, learning, and assessment in social studies that includes a sharper articulation of curriculum objectives, and reflects greater consistency across the different sections of the document."
College, Career, and Civic Life (C3)
Framework for Social Studies State Standards by the National Council for Social Studies. "The result of a three year state-led collaborative effort, the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards was developed to serve two audiences: for states to upgrade their state social studies standards and for practitioners — local school districts, schools, teachers and curriculum writers — to strengthen their social studies programs. "